Barb Pritchard
About Author
Oct 25, 2022
Brand Identity

Our ever evolving selves, business, + brand

For a hot minute now, I’ve started my day out with a morning ritual. It’s gradually grown into a peaceful morning self-care routine. I’m not usually a “morning person”, but, smackity jackity, this routine puts a big ol’ Barb smile on my face and pep in my step. It consists of:

  • A 6 minute meditation reminding myself of who I am. (I am healthy, energetic… all that kinda jazz)
  • 3 to 5 things I’m grateful for
  • At this point, I’m usually receiving the best morning kitty biscuits from my mini-panther ambassador, Illy Dilly, complete with loud purrs. Whose heart couldn’t be warmed by that goodness?!?
  • I say my vision board affirmations out loud, with intention
  • I pull an Oracle card of the day, document it in my “Happy Life Planner”, and write down a phrase that stands out on the page/card.

Today’s card was from The Shaman’s Dream Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid - #58 “Vanishing Mirror”. Not gonna lie here… as I turned to the page in the book, I was totes mcgoats a bit nervous about what I was going to read. But quickly my nerves were assuaged and relief released my shoulders. 

Today is a new moon in Scorpio and in eclipse season so all sorts of things are mega amplified. Now I claim to be no expert in astrology yet, however, I’m certainly open to learning… but it’s no mistake that I pulled this card on this new moon. (I’m an avid believer that there are no mistakes, BTW.)

The message that stuck out to me today was to “...allow a new you to emerge.”

And an even bigger cheesy smile spread across my face. I excitedly welcome her with open arms. 

And after asking Spirit to show me, I saw a vision of myself from my recent brand photo shoot, in that vision I was locked arm-in-arm with many other women leaders as far as the eye could see. We were all raising our voices up in unison in joy and in love… shining our light into what can sometimes appear to be a dark world. We’re lifting one another up collectively… bringing others together. Attracting others to the light.

It's me! Barb Pritchard of Infinity Brand Design. This was the vision of myself that Spirit showed me, but locked arm in arm with many other women leaders.

And that’s why we do what we do, right? To make the world a better place. But we’ve gotta get our voices heard, our messages out there, our stories told, our visuals seen. We have to be discoverable. Afterall, how can others find us if they don’t see or hear about us?

The beautiful thing is… your discoverability… your visibility doesn’t have to be soul-crushing or exhausting. It can be as simple as showing up in aligned ways that don’t feel heavy to you, sharing your story, your purpose, your magic, just being you, and infusing that beautiful, innate magic you have into every facet, every client interaction of your business (and into your brand). There are absolutely ways to get your business and brand in front of your star clients in ways that feel aligned to your heart and soul. 

Here's the real deelio: your brand is ever evolving, just as we beautiful, sweet spirits are. Much like my card pull suggested today, we get to allow a new us to emerge. And I don't know about you, but I find great comfort in that because it means we get to have flexibility in that evolution. You can try on different ideas, hobbies... sheesh, anything you like... much like you would new clothes. In business you can try on new offerings, new coaches, the sky is the limit! And in your brand... you can try on new words, tones of voice, and messaging, different colors, fonts, logos, much like you can even feel into how different niches of star clients align to your and your values and purpose.

You see, nothing ever has to be permanent... it's all fluid and can all be filled with as much ease as you let it. That's the glory of this!

❤️‍🩹 So if you're feeling like your branding is out of alignment with your purpose, your calling...

❤️‍🩹 Maybe you feel embarrassed to share your business card or to send someone to your website or sales page...

❤️‍🩹 Maybe you're not attracting your star clients like you'd like...

❤️‍🩹 Or perhaps you're not quite sure how exactly to talk about your expertise or even who your star client really is...

👉 I've created a little somethin' somethin' that can help ya, Love.

This free guide is exactly what I use with my clients during the branding process to help them envision their business evolution and thinking about what their magic looks and feels like across their voice and visuals.

You're invited to steal my 5 secrete strategies to infuse your magic into your brand to magnetically attract your star clients.

Steal My 5 Secret Strategies to Get Noticed, Stand Out, + Attract Your Star Clients!

Own your magic and sprinkle your sparkle into every client interaction in your business and magnetically attract your star clients

  • Align your brand with the transformative magic you provide your star client
  • Define your values, your purpose, and your differentiator at the heart of your brand
  • Identify your star client and how you want her to feel as she interacts with your brand
  • Curate your messaging and visuals to align with your magic and effectively communicate your expertise throughout every facet of your business
  • Cultivate your discoverability by sharing your magic and message with the world and increase your impact
  • Come away with soul-aligned visuals that help you envision and embody your business and brand evolution

Ready to transform your business? Get a leg-up on your next launch with the free guide to Infuse Your Magic Into Your Brand. This guide leads you through the process of surfacing your magic, defining it, and shows you how to infuse your magic throughout every client interaction in your business. Own your magic today and download the exact tools I use with my clients to evolve their business today.

Your business and brand is ever evolving, just as we beautiful, sweet spirits are. I don't know about you, but I find great comfort in that because it means we get to have flexibility in that evolution to allow a new you to emerge. You can try on different words, tones of voice, and messaging, different colors, fonts, logos, much like you can even feel into how different niches of star clients align to your and your values and purpose. Nothing ever has to be permanent... it's all fluid and can all be filled with as much ease as you let it.

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our ever evolving selves, business, + brand

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Such a poignant message from Spirit today on this new moon that resonates with our ever evolving selves, businesses, and brands.
Brand Identity
Barb Pritchard

Is your brand truly reflecting your soul work?

get the free soulful brand audit✨

A woman holding a tablet with the Soulful Brand Audit cover on it.
infuse your magic into your brand