
Business Tips

Business tips for spiritual entrepreneurs to live your purpose out loud, increase your profit, expand your reach, and grow your heart-centered business.

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woo-woo walk chronicles

Smackity Jackity!

It's a Super Full Moon!
Sometimes we can be thing that gets in our own way. Or be completely oblivious to what we need to do get out of our own way. Nothing like a Super Full Moon to release the things that block our progress so we can pave the way toward harvesting those good intentions.
Business Tips
Barb Pritchard
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Own your magic

the Transformative power

of sharing your magic story
Spirit put it on my heart to share my story. It took a while to implement... to process what that meant... It took a while for me to feel comfortable, especially since I'm a pretty private person. But as soon as I opened my heart, knowing Spirit would support me and I had nothing to fear, the initial story I was to share became clear and I knew it would resonate.
Business Tips
Barb Pritchard
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an unexpected transformation

allowing spirit to lead

in your spiritual business
Spirit has a beautiful way of continually showing up and showing out in our lives, both in business and personal. Sometimes the best ways to see it is reflecting on our adventures. Join me as I get introspective and look at the unexpected transformation I received by way of Spirit through my first business trip.
Business Tips
Barb Pritchard
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3 Simple Steps to

Gain Clarity on Who You Serve

in your coaching business
Tips to get clear on who you serve in your spiritual business that lights you up, sparks that fire within, and feels aligned with you so that waking up on Monday's is actually enjoyable.
Business Tips
Barb Pritchard
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empathy to your coaching website

and what that means
Did you know that you can extend empathy for your coaching clients even further with your brand and website?
Business Tips
Barb Pritchard
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5 ways that

Dubsado can help streamline

your coaching business
Dubsado can help create efficiencies in your coaching business and your client management process.
Business Tips
Barb Pritchard

Is your brand truly reflecting your soul work?

get the free soulful brand audit✨

A woman holding a tablet with the Soulful Brand Audit cover on it.
infuse your magic into your brand