envision + embody your business evolution

live your purpose out loud

with strategy, voice + visuals that align to your greatest good

you have a calling. you create extraordinary transformation.

and you've spent long enough lost in the sea of sameness

the world needs...
star bullet point

your message

star bullet point

your magic

star bullet point

your purpose

star bullet point

and your expertise

but they've got to know how to find you.

and you can't get noticed if you don't stand out

i totes mcgoats get it...

I knew early on I wanted to be an entrepreneur but it took a hot minute to find my full-time footing. While I cut my teeth in the corporate world learning the strategies, skills, and secrets that move the needle for Fortune 100 and 500 businesses, it didn’t quite scratch that itch to serve. I’d moonlight on the side, applying those strategies toward purpose-driven small businesses to help their businesses grow… and it worked!

But when it came to my own business, I’d hold myself back, afraid to go all in, still forcing this square peg into a round hole, which would cause me to fail. It wasn’t until I fully embraced my own magic, began sharing my spiritual journey, quit conforming to societal standards, and decided to just be me did I finally experience success.

i'm an avid

believer that...

our own innate magic is our differentiator

It’s what makes us stand out from the sea of sameness. It’s your unique path to aligned visibility.

we all have our own magic story(ies) where our strength is forged in fire

It's our calling to grow from and share these stories to connect with and help others to find their healing, their strength, and purpose.

There are silver-linings in everything

Sometimes you just have to look a little harder.

We’re called to perpetuate a world of do-gooders doing super goodness

To pay it forward so we can collectively make an impact, make the world a better place, even if incremental. Because incremental matters.

client love 💗

client transformations

& the effects you can experience too

Applying the skills gained from working directly with Fortune 100 & 500 clients, my clients have experienced transformational business growth, allowing them to scale their businesses beyond what they thought possible.

The owners and primary doctor at The Cat's Meow Veterinary Hospital
Dr. Susan Head
"Before the redesign, our website was so very slow, difficult to navigate, and not mobile-friendly. Since working with Barb, our website has become an invaluable tool for our business, creating efficiencies, and freeing up more time for us and our clients!"
Kelly McCarthy - Universal Energy Guide, one of many of Infinity Brand Design's happy sales page design clients
Kelly McCarthy
Universal Energy Guide
“I couldn't be happier with the landing page Barb created for me through merely a chat and taking a look at my website for inspiration. Her ability to weave her own magic with mine is exactly what my website needed. I'm looking forward to working with Barb again in the very near future to help me share my message to an even wider audience. Thank you Barb.”
April Goff Brown - The Sage Goddess, an Intuitive Journey Guide, one of many of Infinity Brand Design's happy brand identity and website design clients
April Goff Brown
Intuitive Journey Guide
“Barb is magical. She was able to interpret my vision and create something that will attract clients to my services. From the first concepts to the final product, I have been blown away. I have a brand that is amazing and while I know it needs to, and does, focus on the client, it truly represents the personality and uniqueness of me and what and how I do what I do.”
Paula Schorr, author of Beneath the Surface, one of many of Infinity Brand Design's happy book cover design clients
Paula Schorr
“Barb blew me away. I am so damn impressed and happy with her work. She synthesized our conversation/interview so perfectly. She interpreted me, captured me, and the book so well. It's like she convinced me to wanna read my own book. Visually, it's a winner.”
pull up a chair & grab a cup of tea

here's my magic story

when i first quit conforming, accepted my own magic, and stood strong in it

I was 19 years old and a recent college graduate with my web design degree. I sent my father an invitation to my graduation to which he was a no-show. But I love the way Spirit shows up and shows out. Within that invitation, I felt compelled to include a little something extra: a letter that shared aspirations and goals that I purposefully hadn’t shared with anyone else as well as my first business card with my very own website and email address for my brand new freelance web design business.

owned my magic
i owned my magic

A few short weeks after my graduation, Father’s Day rolled around and my sister dragged me out of town to visit him. Throughout the entire visit, he and my stepmother brought up things I’d mentioned in that letter I included with my invitation. I still see the side-eye my sister gave me many times throughout the visit, wondering what the hell they were talking about. I also noticed my business card sitting on the mantle… it was hard to miss. My face was on it and my hair was just as bright red back then as it is now. I knew very early on that he received my graduation invitation but didn’t bother to show up or acknowledge it.

by the grace of Spirit, i somehow managed to keep my cool...

At the end of the visit, as the sun was setting on a hot summer day, I had a rare, brief moment alone with my father — turns out this would be the last. It was as if time stood still. My father faced away from me, marveling, commenting on the vivid colors of the magnificent sky. He had his hands resting on the railing and his shoulders bunched up to his ears, as he leaned over to take in as much of the scene as possible. As if compelled by Spirit and before I could stop myself, I asked my father if he received my invitation.

Instantly, his shoulders sank and his grip on the railing tightened. He went from looking like a barrel of man to a tiny boy. The tension in the air was suddenly thick and palpable. Without ever looking at me, my father paused for what seemed like a million lifetimes and he whispered “no.”

something in me shifted at that moment...

I truly saw what kind of man he was, especially his lack of integrity. I didn’t feel wounded, instead, I was emboldened. I stood up straighter, raised my chin high, and replied with a simple, “ok.”

i was done.

A flurry of painful memories rushed through my mind as I watched him struggle with the awkwardness of the situation. Time seemingly slowed further as the hot summer breeze stung my cheeks, as if to keep me present and not focus on all the times he forgot me, my birthday, my dance recitals, and graduations. Instead, I felt relief, almost pity for him, and as much closure as I was ever going to get from him. I didn’t argue or point out his blatant lie. It finally dawned on me that he wasn’t worth my energy, my time, or my tears.

Not long after this revelation, I began the process of changing my last name to that of my dad — the man who loved me as his own, unconditionally, from the age of two. It was one of the greatest gifts I’d ever give myself and this wonderful human that I began to call Dad from that day forward. It was also the last time I saw my biological father again.

i realized that i am enough exactly as i am.

I can be all of me and still be loved and appreciated. I don’t have to water myself down or round out my edges just to fit into a mold that was never meant for me in the first place. I noticed that Spirit showed up and showed out by inspiring me to take action and truly open my eyes to love me for who I truly am… and to own that magic I have within. As time passed, there would be more opportunities for me to truly step into my own magic and develop more self-love but the lesson remained the same: I am enough. I am magical. I am loved exactly as I am. And I don’t have to be a muted version of myself to please anyone.

and the same is true for and within business.

It can be a huge leap of faith to go all in and own your magic — as spiritual entrepreneurs, we likely have seen or experienced firsthand the alienation that comes with our woo-woo walk. And as such, many of us water that down out of fear of rejection.

In my work with heart-centered businesses, I recognize a disconnect between my clients' passion, what lights them up, and how they actually show up in their business. Many hold parts of themselves back to play it safe while others are more than ready to step into their magic but don't know how to surface it, let alone articulate it verbally or visually.

Spiritual entrepreneurs have the power to help others break out of their status quo and experience true, life-changing growth. My mission is to empower these beautiful souls to envision and embody their own magic so they become magnetic to their star clients, which leads to higher vibrations and loads of healing.

it's time to

own your magic

and envision + embody your business evolution

it's time to live your purpose out loud

my core values

Express  empathy

step into other people's shoes to gain understanding and perspective

my core values

be adventurous,  creative, & open-minded

take risks and be excited about what's ahead

my core values

stay  curious

never stop seeking knowledge and clarity

my core values

be silly &  laugh often

never take yourself too seriously

the cv


here are a few official bits that give me a bit of street cred

Fortune 100 & 500 strategies

In my corporate life, my projects resulted in 22% improvement of lead generation and client retention for a particular financial payment enterprise. It all started by spearheading collaborative strategy sessions with key stakeholders, aligning goals, and overseeing the execution of those plans.

Basically, I know how to help clients strategize ways to get new clients and hang on to them!


my industry of choice

I’ve had the honor and privilege of creating design experiences with companies like GNC, MacMillan, Toyota Financial, Mazda Financial, Home Depot, and Aldi.

Now I work with female spiritual entrepreneurs to help them get more clients. By specializing in this industry, I’ve learned the strategies and skills needed to increase their income and impact online through 1:1 services, retreats, and group coaching programs.

experience to back it up

I’ve been designing brand identities and websites since the launch of Google (that’s 1998, y’all).

I’ve since expanded my expertise to include user experience design, sales page / funnels, marketing collateral, book cover design.

Barb Pritchard of Infinity Brand Design will help you live your purpose out loud with strategy, voice, and visuals that align to your greatest good.

some fun facts✨

about me

from Funky Town, TXcat mom to two mini-panthersI love to travel the world to experience the history, culture, people, and food —my favorite place in the world is the Roman Forum in Rome, ItalyI'm a super nerd! I met my husband at a LAN party (that's a computer gaming party where you bring your computer), I play Dungeons & Dragons, and love Renaissance festivalsmy wedding was a mashup of Lord of the Rings, Monty Python & the Holy Grail, The Princess Bride, and Gandalf oversaw our knot-tying ceremonyLord of the Rings is very dear to me —if one tiny Hobbit can change the fate of the world, image what we can do when we put our heads together?

let's connect

you've waited long enough to

own your magic✨

live your purpose out loud

with Spirit-infused strategy, voice, + visuals that align with your greatest good

Is your brand truly reflecting your soul work?

get the free soulful brand audit✨

A woman holding a tablet with the Soulful Brand Audit cover on it.
infuse your magic into your brand